What factors affect the quality of RBD palm oil?
The quality of RBD palm oil is very important, not only for consumers, but also for producer. The quality of RBD palm oil can be controlled in cooking oil refining process. Refining is aim to remove the impurities from crude oil to make the quality of RBD palm oil reach the national standards. Then, what factors affect the quality of RBD palm oil? As professional palm oil machine manufacturer, Henan Glory Company will introduce it for you in details.
1. Temperature
Temperature is an important factor that affects the speed of chemical reactions. For general chemical reactions, the reaction rate doubles for every 10°C increase in temperature; temperature also plays an important role in the oxidation rate of oil.
Therefore, in cooking oil refining process, DOING palm oil refining machine uses heat transfer oil heating system to strictly control the temperature of each steps, making it with higher reaction speed, saving time.
Heat transfer oil heating system
2. Moisture
Moisture can cause and promote the spoilage of hydrophilic substances (such as phospholipids, enzymes, microorganisms, etc.), enhance the activity of enzymes, facilitate the reproduction of microorganisms, cause hydrolysis to rancidity, and increase the generation of lipid peroxides.
In cooking oil refining process, there is vacuum dehydration equipment, which will remove the moisture from oil, and keep RBD palm oil dry, so as to extended shelf life of RBD palm oil.
Vacuum dehydration equipment
3. Oxygen
The auto-oxidation and polymerization process is a process in which the oil reacts with oxygen, and the oxygen absorption during the auto-oxidation and polymerization process is gradually increased. In general, the higher the concentration of oxygen, the faster the oxidation rate. In the storage vessel, the greater the partial pressure of oxygen, the more rapidly the oxidation will proceed.
So, DOING palm oil refining machine equips vacuum system, which make the decolorization and deodorization process be in vacuum condition. That can not only avoid oil oxidized at high temperature, but also improve the speed of decolorization and deodorization process.
Vacuum system for decolorization and deodorization process
The types of palm oil refining machine produced by Henan Glory Company:
Three types of palm oil refining machine
1. Small batch type palm oil refining machine: 1-20tpd, adopting chemical refining process, suitable for small investors who has small oil mill plant.
2. Medium semi-continuous palm oil refining machine: 20-50tpd, adopting chemical refining process, suitable for medium scale oil mill plant, pursuing better RBD palm oil quality.
3. Large full-continuous palm oil refining machine: 50-600tpd, adopting chemical refining process or physical refining process, suitable for large oil mill plant, pursuing high production efficiency.
Do you want to improve the quality of RBD palm oil? Contact us. Our engineer can design the palm oil refining machine and process according to your condition.
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